Lithogeochemical, Metallogenetic and Exogenic Controls in Rocks of Central Peru and their Relationship with Rare Earth Elements (REE)




Lithogeochemistry, Rare Earth Elements, metallogenic belts, exogenic processes


Based on interesting concentrations of REE elements in batholiths and stocks, we made a selective sampling with 234 geochemical data, which indicate permotriassic rocks are of alkaline tendency and volcanic rocks are of toleitic tendency. In the Carboniferous they are alkaline, and some samples of peralkaline rocks have been recognized. Besides, they are permotriassic, peraluminous and pear-alkaline intrusives, with more peraluminous permotriassic lavas, as well as carboniferous intrusives. Besides that, there are intrusive bodies of peralkaline composition that show anomalous REE concentrations and evolved rocks with cortical contamination and high geological potential for mineral deposits in REE.
Paleozoic metasedimentary outcrops, are related to Belt I as in Huachon (Au) in carboniferous intrusions related to the Pataz Batolith. There is also abundant Carboniferous-Permotriassic plutonism, generating skarns like Cobriza related to Belt III. In the Pucara Group Basin, it has San Vicente, Shalipayco and Pichita Caluga with shootes of Zn-Pb in the Belt XVI of MVT, related with to the deformations of the Eocene and Miocene.
Further west, Huaron has intrusions related to Eocene volcanism and magmatism with volcanic centers and stocks, generating high-sulfidation mineralization of Au-Ag-Cu from the Belt XVII as Quicay.
In the Miocene-Pliocene we have subvolcanic stocks and diatremes in Julcani, Colquijirca, Cerro de Pasco, Milpo-Atacocha in the Belt XXI-A of epithermal in Au-Ag, and San Genaro in the Belt XXIII of epithermal in Au-Ag del Mio -Pliocene.
Furthermore, supergenic (exogenous) processes have influenced the generation of deposits in the eastern part of the study, with rainy conditions in wet jungle. generating at present distribution of mineral deposits (Metallogeny).
Therefore, petrological characteristics of igneous rocks indicate processes such as fractional crystallization, contamination, assimilation and partial fusion that control the distribution of chemical elements, conditioned by subsequent tectonic events, expressed in their Metallogeny, where finally, the supergenic (exogenous) as last processes, have influenced the generation of deposits mainly in the eastern part of the study area.


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How to Cite

Michael Valencia Muñoz. (2023). Lithogeochemical, Metallogenetic and Exogenic Controls in Rocks of Central Peru and their Relationship with Rare Earth Elements (REE). Incasciences, 1(2), 45–58.



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