Evidence of Transpressional Tectonics in the Western Cordillera of Central Peru (11° - 12°30' S)





Western Cordillera, transpressional, tectonics, strike-slip systems


The Andes of Central Peru, located between latitudes 11° and 12°30’ south, exhibit a geological record that reveals successive stages of deformation that affected the orogeny from the Campanian to the Maastrichtian and Eocene. During the Mesozoic, sedimentation was controlled by extensional tectonics, but in the Cenozoic, these sequences were deformed due to the tectonic inversion of ancient faults. This resulted in a significant transcurrent system that played a decisive role in shaping the structural configuration of the Andean orogeny, composed of volcanic and volcanosedimentary rocks. The tectonic events are manifested in the form of tectonic scales, folds, and positive flower structures that have shaped this part of the Western Cordillera.


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How to Cite

Yuly Mamani, & Javier Jacay. (2024). Evidence of Transpressional Tectonics in the Western Cordillera of Central Peru (11° - 12°30’ S). Incasciences, 1(2), 34–44. https://doi.org/10.47347/incasciences.v1i2.32



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